Optimum Office


Businesses can miss out on productivity and profit when their office procedures are not up to scratch. That’s why Black Box offers a unique service to help organize, streamline and simplify office procedures.


This is how we do it:

  • We take a look at how well your accounting software and office procedures are working together.
  • We review your current office procedures and suggest ways to simplify and improve the processes.
  • We establish whether it would be more cost effective for you to outsource your administration function.
  • We eliminate as much manual data entry as possible by harnessing the power of the accounting software.
  • We eliminate unnecessary printing of invoices and other documents.
  • We look for unnecessary duplication and inefficient filing.
  • We establish, by talking with you, whether you are getting everything you need from the accounting software or whether you would benefit by moving to a more suitable package.
  • We make sure the people using the software are competent and, if necessary, we provide training.
  • We see if you could be getting better financial reporting so you have a clearer picture of what’s going on in your business.

By the time we are finished, you will have peace of mind that your office administration function is running smoothly, is well organized, and the financial reports you are receiving are accurate and can be relied upon.